My Story
I grew up in Don Mills on a street with a pack of kids. All of us were sent outside to play ‘until the streetlights went on’. I climbed trees, caught tadpoles when the creek melted, shot marbles, and traded comics and Nancy Drew mysteries. A fabulous childhood with little adult supervision.
I never imagined becoming a writer until I began reading picture books to my four young children. With them I fell in love with books by Mem Fox, Maurice Sendak and Margaret Wise Brown. As we became older we read Ursula Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander and Tolkien.
I took many courses, began to write and stayed on that path. Nearly thirty years later I am still in love with ‘story’.
— Anne
Today, Anne is the author of twenty-one published books, mostly for young readers.
Awards & Honours
- My River: Cleaning up the LaHave River a finalist for the 2020 Yellow Cedar Award, which celebrates nonfiction books for readers in Grades 4-8.
- Out of the Deeps a finalist for the CLA Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award for 2009
- The Shepherd’s Granddaughter (2008) received the following awards
- 2009 CLA Book of the Year Award for Children
- 2009 Jane Addams Honor Book Award for peace
- 2009 The Society of School Librarians Best International Book Award
- 2009 IRA Notable Book for a Global Society
- 2009 USBBY Outstanding International Book
- 2010 Red Maple Award Nominee
- Last Chance Bay received the Canadian Library Association Book of the Year Award for Children 2005
- The F Team a finalist for the Blue Spruce OLA Award 2003
- In the Clear a finalist for the 2002 Ontario Library Association Silver Birch Award Program.
- Under a Prairie Sky received the Mr. Christie’s Book Award Best Picture Book in Canada (English) for Young Children 2002